By filling and submitting an electronic form on internet website , you as a person involved granted consent to the processing of your personal data.
Pursuant to Act of the EU law no. 122/2013 Coll. on personal data protection in particular § 11 et seq. and further amendments, I, by clicking checkbox in the contact formular - I agree to the processing of personal data, filling in and submitting an electronic form, grant my consent to processing my personal data stated in the electronic form (in range of email address), for the following purpose of administration:
- creating business opportunities
I declare and by submitting the electronic form confirm, that the consent to the processing of my personal data has been granted willingly, that I was instructed on raising a claim upon rights of person involved in accordance with Act on personal data protection particularly in § 28, as amended; and that prior to granting consent to the processing of my personal data I familiarized with the information stated in § 15, article 1 of Act on personal data protection. Claims of persons involved in processing personal data are regulated by Act on personal data protection, particularly § 28 et seq.
Test Involved person according to decree § 28 article 1 of Act on personal data protection, can provide a written request to claim:
- confirmation if personal data regarding them are or are not processed,
- in generally understandable form information about processing personal data in information system in range according to § 15 article 1 a) to e) second to sixth point,
- in generally understandable form exact information about source the personal data is collected from to processing,
- in generally understandable form list of their personal data that are subjects to processing,
- correction or deletion of their wrong, incomplete or out-dated personal data that is subject to processing,
- deletion of personal data which purpose of processing has ended; if subjects processed are official documents containing personal data, they can claim their return,
- deletion of personal data that are processed if a law has been violated,
- blocking of personal data due to revoking consent before expiration of its validity if the administrator processes personal data based on consent granted by the person involved.
Involved person according to decree § 28 article 3 of Act on personal data protection, can raise objections to the Administrator against:
- processing of personal data that they expect to be or will be used for marketing actions without their consent and ask the data deletion,
- providing personal data stated in decree § 10 article 3, letter
- of Act on personal data protection on direct marketing purposes.
According to decree § 28 articles 4 and 5 of the Act on personal data protection, person involved by means of a written form or in person, if the matter can no longer be postponed, can contact Administrator to:
- object against processing of personal data in case according to decree § 10 article 3 letters a), e), f) or g) of Act on personal data protection by stating legitimate reasons or providing proofs about unauthorized intervention to their rights and a right of protected interests that are or can be in a particular case damaged by the processing. Administrator is in such cases obliged, if no legal aspects are broken and claims of the person involved are legitimate, to block and delete personal data which person involved asked to delete without further delays,
- object and not consent to the decreet of administrator that can have legal impact on them or important content; if such decreet is made only on actions of automated processing of personal data. Person involved can request a review of the issued decree differently then in form of automated processing, while the Administrator is obliged to comply with the request so that the main role in review of the decree will have an authorized person. The means of review and results of inspection will be provided to the person involved by the Administrator in the period stated in decree § 29 article 3 of Act on personal data protection. Person involved does not have this right only if there is another act amending actions to secure interests of person involved, or if in terms of pre-contract relations during existence of contract relations, the Administrator issued a decreet to comply to requests of person involved, or if the Administrator, based on contract, issued another adequate action to protect interests of the person involved.